Blackspot Eradication Addendum

Thursday, Sept. 09, 2004 – 7:18 a.m.

2004-09-09 7:18

When I got home last evening, I immediately donned my spraying cloths and proceeded to spray the roses with an anti-fungus cocktail of Fung-onil , Funginex , and Banner Maxx. That should do a good job of knocking things down for now though only the Mancozeb is a contact fungicide (i.e. kills the spores on contact). The others prevent the growth of the fungus. Two are systemic (Halt and Banner Maxx) and the Fung-onil is a surface preventative. Alas, I was about 3/4 done when it started raining lightly. Oh well, at least I got SOME stuff out there.


So… the next spray day will be Saturday and that will be just Mancozeb. Three days after that is Tuesday with another dose of Mancozeb. Since it rained on me at the end last night, I will probably do yet another three day treatment on Friday a week, just to be sure and that one I will probably add Funginex to.


Well, it’s time to get ready to go to work….