- The Rose Grower’s Resource Guide (http://www.paulbardenroses.com/resources.html)
- Roses @ HelpMeFind.com (http://www.helpmefind.com/rose/index.php)
- RoseMagazine.com(http://www.rosemagazine.com/)
- Gardenweb.com (http://www.gardenweb.com)
RogersRoses (http://www.rogersroses.com)(Rose site by Roger Phillips and Martyn Rix, authors of books on botanical subjects, including roses. It appears that this site is now defunct but I am leaving it as a time reference and in case it is revived. Here is a link to the web archive of the site from 2013: https://web.archive.org/web/20131020202005/http://www.rogersroses.com/)
- The Rose Page (rec.gardens.roses FAQ) (http://www.faqs.org/faqs/gardens/roses-faq/part1/#b)
- The Rose File (http://www.rosefile.com/)
- RoseGathering (http://www.rosegathering.com/contents.html)