Tuesday, Aug. 03, 2004 – 3:14 p.m.
2004-08-03 3:14
Here are the rose books I am looking for. In most cases, these are what I want to buy but, particularly in the case of really OLD books, I am willing to be satisfied with just knowing where they can be found (in a library) and have a chance to look at/study them.
Title | Author | Publisher | Year Published | page count | ISBN |
Tabermaemontanus | 1590 | 0 | |||
A Celebration of Old Roses | Trevor Griffiths | Penguin USA | 1991 | 0 | 0718134842 |
Beautiful American Rose Gardens | Mary Tonetti Dorra | Crown Publishing Group | 1999 | 192 | 060960080X |
Beautiful roses made easy – southern edition | Teri Dunn & walter reeves | Cool spring press | 2003 | 224 | 1591860709 |
Book of Roses | Xenia Fields | Paul Hamlyn | 1969 | 140 | |
Book of the Rose | Rev.A.Foster-Melliar | Macmillian | 1902 | 347 | |
Climbing Roses | Stephen Scanniello, Tanja Baynard | Wiley, John and Sons, Inc | 1994 | 272 | 0671850466 |
Climbing Roses of the World | Charles Quest-Ritson | Timber Press | 2003 | 376 | 0881925632 |
David Austin’s English Roses | David Austiin | Little, Brown & Company | 1996 | 159 | 0316059730 |
Designing With Roses | Tony Lord | Trafalgar Square | 1999 | 185 | 1570761485 |
Essential roses: 100 Best for Design & Cultivation | Derek Fell | Crescent Books | 1990 | 127 | 0517676605 |
Foolproof Guide to Growing Roses | Field Roebuck | Creative Homeowner Press | 2001 | 160 | 1580110835 |
Gardening with Old Roses | John Scarman | Harper Collins Publishers | 1999 | 144 | 0004140850 |
Gardening with Roses: a Practical and Inspirational Guide | Patrick Taylor | Timber Press | 1995 | 256 | 0881922862 |
Growing Good Roses | Rayford Reddell | HarperCollins | 1987 | 172 | 0060158808 |
How to grow roses | J. Horace McFarland & Robert Pyle | McMillian | 1937 | 192 | |
Icones | Matthias de Lobel | 1581 | 0 | ||
Les Roses de l’Imepratice Josephine | J. Gravereaux | paris | 1912 | 0 | |
Little Book of Old Roses | Hazel Le Rougetel | Appletree Press Ltd | 1992 | 60 | 0862813336 |
Miniature Roses | Rayford C. Redell | Chronicle Books | 1998 | 96 | 0811818446 |
Miniature Roses | Roy Genders | Blandford Press, London | 1960 | 96 | |
Natueral History of the Rose | Guillemeau | 1800 | 0 | ||
Old Garden Roses | Edward Bunyard | Country Life, London | 1936 | 163 | |
Old Roses and English Roses | David Austin | Antique Collector’s Club | 1992 | 215 | 1851491503 |
Old Roses for Modern Gardens | Richard Thomson | D. Van Nostrand Company Ltd | 1959 | 154 | |
Pageant of the Rose | Jean Gordon | Studio Publications, inc/Thomas y. Crowell Company | 1953 | 232 | |
Prince’s Manual of Roses | William Robert Prince | New York : Published by the author, and Clark & Austin, Saxton & Miles, Wiley & Putnam, and Stanford & Swords, 1846. | 1846 | 0 | |
ROSE BOOKS | K.L. Stock | 1984 | 533 | 0950905607 | |
Rose of the world in color | J. Horace McFarland | Houghton Mlfflin co. | 1938 | 296 | |
Roses | Percy Thrower | Hamlyn | 1974 | 64 | |
Roses | Pierre-Joseph Redoute, Barbara Schultz | Taschen America LLC | 1999 | 0 | 3822866296 |
Roses and Rose Growing | Rose G. Kingsley | 0 | 0 | ||
Roses of Yesterday and Today | Will Tillotson | Browns Valley Road? | 1986 | 80 | |
Roses: A Bibliography of Botanical, Horticultural, and Other Works Related to the Genus Rosa | Joanne Werger; Robert E. Burton | Scarecrow Press | 1972 | 169 | 0810805413 |
Roses: a Celebration | Wayne Winterrowd (editor) | North Point Press | 2003 | 261 | 086576616 |
Shrub Roses and Climbing Roses: with Hybrid Tea and Floribund) | David Austin | Antique Collector’s Club | 1993 | 288 | 185149166X |
Simply Roses | Karen Dardick | 0 | 0 | 07893120031 | |
Snow Roses Desert Blooms: The Buck Collection | J. E. Ormesher | Plum Plublishing Company | 2001 | 121 | 097095400X |
The Amateur’s Rose Book | Shirley Hibberd | Groombridge & Sons, London | 1878 | 255 | |
The Book of Roses | Francis Parkman | Tilton & Co | 1866 | 225 | |
The book of the rose | Michael Gibson | Macdonald general books , london | 1980 | 280 | 0354044702 |
The Encyclopedia of Antique Roses | Bob Edberg | 2002 | 0 | ||
The Genus Rosa | Ellen Willmott | Marion McKinsey | 1991 | 552 | |
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Roses | Mary Moody (ed,) | Timber Press | 0 | 0 | 0881922714 |
The Love of Roses: From Myth to Modern Culture | Graham Rose, Peter King | Quiller press | 1992 | 224 | 1870948416 |
The Natural Rose Gardener | Lance Walhiem | Ironwood Press (Tucson, AZ) | 1994 | 160 | 0962823635 |
The New Herbal of 1543 (New Kreuterbuch) | Leonhart Fuchs | Taschen.com | 0 | 0 | 3822812986 |
The Organic Rose Garden | Liz Druitt | Taylor Publishing Group | 1996 | 210 | 087833906X |
The Romance of the Rose | Josephine Craven Chandler | C. T. Branford Co. | 1949 | 46 | |
The Rose | Susan Lauzau (Editor); Camille Cline(Compiler) | Friedman/Fairfax | 1998 | 224 | 1567995799 |
The Rose Amateurs Guide | Thomas Rivers | Longman, Green, Longmand, Roberts & Green: London | 1863 | 234 | |
The Rose Garden | William Paul | 1848 | 0 | ||
The Rose Manual | Robert Buist | Heyden, London | 1978 | 182 | 0930576101 |
The Rose-Lover’s Guide | Roland A. Browne | Atheneum | 1974 | 235 | 0689106068 |
The Rose: A Complete Handbook | Roy Genders | The Bobs-Merrill Company | 1965 | 623 | |
The Six of Spades: a book about the Garden and the Garden | S. Reynolds Hole | William Blackwood, edinburqh | 1872 | 236 | |
Wild & Old Garden Roses | Gordon Edwards | David & Charles | 1975 | 168 | 0028441605 |