Woodshop and Roses

Monday, Sept. 20, 2004 – 10:30 a.m.

2004-09-20 10:30

Driveway Drainage

This weekend started rainy as the last remnants of what had been Hurricane Ivan swept across us. It rained much of Saturday morning and after it stopped about mid-day, I went out and scraped out some of the accumulated soil and detritus that had accumulated on one side of the driveway (my driveway has a cross-wise grade). Over the years, leaves and soil had accumulated and this causes water to pool on that side of the driveway. I scraped some “outlets” beside the larger pools and they drained pretty quickly. I should probably do something to make these drain spaces more permanent.

To the woodshop

Saturday afternoon was spent at the woodshop working on several projects. Since I had problems under the kitchen sink several weeks ago, I need to replace the “floor” of the cabinet. I am using plywood rather than fiberboard and, having cut the boards (I had to do the floor in two pieces) to size, I am now putting several coats of spar polyurethane on them. Hopefully this should protect the wood from any minor leaks. At this point, there is one coat on each side out of the three that I plan to do.

The second wood project I am working on is a new tabletop for an old treadle sewing machine table. This is for my mother. She inherited the unit from her mother and right now the top is just a piece of plywood my grandfather put on it. I have some spare pieces of maple that should do the job. I spent time planing the surfaces of the boards and now I just need to glue them together. I am going to use biscuits to join the edges and I needed to get some biscuits from Woodcraft but not until Sunday.

On to Roses

Saturday afternoon was the Raleigh Rose Society’s fall Picnic. Since the group changed the meeting days to Saturday mornings this year, I have not been able to make the meetings (and we don’t meet over the summer so once the rose show is done in May, we don’t meet until the fall). I had emailed Rich, the president, and he told me that the picnic would be Saturday. It was a nice small affair at Julie Jones house in Cary and there were several new folk there, which was great. Next weekend is the regional rose show and there was also some talk about entering roses in the State Fair.

Sunday dawned fair and cool so I did my spraying of roses that, according the the schedule I had set, should have been done on Friday. This time I used Mancozeb and Funginex (which Ortho is now calling RosePrideĀ® Rose & Shrub Disease Control). Next time, I will use just the Banner Maxx. Of course, since I sprayed, I needed to wait until the spray had dried before doing any more work in the garden so it was this morning that I went out and did deadheading and picking off diseased leaves. At least this time, I remember to find my long gloves (they were in the living room…)

Enough for now…

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