2002-03-10 – 11:34 p.m.
2002-03-10 11:34
Ok, it’s early March and rose pruning time. I spent about 4 hours today pruning the two beds of established roses (8 bushes in one bed and 5 in the other). Pretty much filled a rolling trashcan full of the prickly canes I chopped off. Since the weather is supposed to get down to freezing tonight, I remulched the plants. Hope I don’t get any significant die-back.
Ok, so I didn’t actually spend the entire 4 hours doing the pruning… I also spread out soaker hoses in all three existing beds. Since I had 2 75′ hoses and one 25′ hose, I cut one of the long hoses down to fit the first bed. The extra I added (by installing new ends where I did the cuts) to the 25′ so that now I have soaker hoses in lengths that fit the beds.
But I guess I am getting ahead of myself…
I guess I should go back and say that this is the fourth year of my rose-mania. I think my friends are thoroughly convinced that I have stripped a screw someplace.
Here is the progression:
Year one:
I planted the first bed (next to the fence):
Broadway (died)
Orange Garnet
Queen Elizabeth
Angel Face
Red Masterpiece (died)
Peace (died)
Ok, doesn’t sound like a very good ratio, does it? However, the ones that made it did pretty well (except for Angel Face…. it has just been plain puny.)
Year 2 will need to wait for the next posting…