Sunday’s activities

Tuesday, May. 28, 2002 – 11:12 a.m.

2002-05-28 11:12

Sunday was another busy day. I was up early to get the lawn mowed before it got hot. The stange thing was the grass had not grown that much. I guess the cool weather we had the last couple of weeks slowed it down. Two hours later, it was done.

Next on the task list was to rework the barn. I had a number of things that needed to go into the barn (boxes from my computer, stuff for the cook kit, the cat carrier) and some other things that needed to come OUT of the barn (the floor fan, the wooden camp bed) so this was an operation of pull a bunch of stuff out and stack it in the yard then pack the stuff that needs to go back in back in some semblance of order. While I was in there, I figured I should move the canvas tent out to the front of the barn so that I can get it out and check it before Pennsic. I need to figure out how to rig up a rain fly on it as well. Guess that’s next weekend…

After my morning in the yard, it was time for a shower before I headed to String Thing. I cut a batch of roses (Ha! and you thought I would get through a posting without mentioning roses?!? You were mistaken! [grin]) for Francesca. She had said that some of hers from the previous weekend were starting to fade but that the side bud on the Rose de Rescht opened after the orginal bloom faded. Cool!

I am still a little concerned about the new bed (bed 4) since most of the roses in that bed are not doing much. The Glowing Peace has one new cane and it is not more that 6 inches long. Europeana likewise only has a few short canes and no evident bloom buds. The only exception to this is French Lace, a white florabuunda), which has two blooms right now.

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