Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 – 7:07 p.m.
2005-06-08 7:07
Kingdom A&S
The first weekend in March was Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival. SInce Windmasters Hill was sponsoring it, it was in the just up the road in Mebane. I had done the Rose Forcing project in order to have period roses in bloom for my display. Success! One of the Rosa Mundi (the one I had NOT pruned) bloomed the day before the festival. I think the display with the poster and potted roses and all was quite successful. I do need to go ahead and just BUY a copy of Gerard’s Herball, I had checked a copy of it and several other period or near-period herbals out of the University library but when I went to find some of the references I knew to be in there, I could not find them, It turns out that I had checked out an “Essence of ” Gerard’s Herball. Oh well.
Tir-y-don Baronial Birthday
I forgot to mention this in my earlier summary posting but the last weekend in April, I took the poster and display down to the Barony of Tir-y-Don (Newport News, VA) for their Baronial Birthday event. One of the A&S themes was roses. At Univ ersity in February, the baroness of Tir-y-Don (at least I think that’s who it was) took one of my classes and Invited me to come down to the event, At the time, I had two bushes blooming: Austrian Copper and General Jacqueminot, Oh, one of the unlabeled red roses for Muir’s garden also had a bloom so I took it as well, for contrast.
It was a nice little event and I had a good time talk to folk walking by, about my roses, what was grown in period and how those roses differ from what we generally see today. I also helped judge the A&S entries in the two rose-orient categories. I think I may have been a little hard in my judging but I did try to put detailed comments about what I liked and what I would like to have seen. Since I spent mostv of the day in the hall, I did have a good chance to peruse the documentation that people had. Nothing really surprising and I was able to direct some folk to stuff I have found.
The next day I got a chance to shoot archery at their archery competition. Turns out that Newport News has a law that the only place that archery is allowed inside the city limits is at a designated archery range at a park. I had a good time shooting and shot VERY well for me… Personal best of 50 in a Royal Round.
Well, back to work….
At the time that I orginally wrote this, I was bound for the midwest to see my dad’s side of the family and celebrated Grandma’s 90th birthday…. But that is/will be an entry on it’s own,.