Tuesday, May. 14, 2002 – 10:35 p.m.
2002-05-14 10:35
I got my first issue of American Rose, the monthly magazine of ARS (American Rose Society) yesterday. There were some interesting things in the Q&A sections but the main articles in this issue were mostly about what roses had won the most awards in the past year and how the rankings changed from last year. There were some interesting ads, particularly in the “classified” type section, including some vendors from North and South Carolina that I had not heard of before. Shoot! those are practically local!
In the section on events, two things caught my eye:Charlotte Roadtrip!
The Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte (http://www.mintmuseum.org/mma/index.htm) has an exhibit of engravings by Pierre-Joseph Redoute until July 14. He was an botanical artist in the late 18th and early 19th century; I believe that Empress Joshephine was his patron and he did much of his work from the rose gardens at Malmaison, her Paris residence. Some of his work is can be seen here. I believe that the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation (part of the Hunt Library at Carnegie-Mellon University (my alma mater)) also has an extensive collection of his work. Next time I get to Pittsburgh, I need to see what I can find there.
Cavorting in a Garden….
This Sunday (May 19) the Wilson Rose Garden will be holding their 5th “Sunday in the Rose Garden Festival” in Wilson NC. Gee! That is just an hour or so east of Raleigh! It looks like a lovely garden from the website and maybe I can get some additional pictures for my upcoming classes.
So between the local rose show on Saturday and the rose festival on Sunday in Wilson, I should get a healthy fix for my rose addiction. Still, I am working on a list of other gardens to visit.